Tag Archives: cholesterol

Maintain Normal Cholesterol Levels As If Your Life Depended On It

Normal cholesterol levels are found in over half of Americans. Normal cholesterol levels are usually associated with a lower risk for cardiovascular disease, but not always. Normal cholesterol levels are also necessary in the formation of lipid rafts, such as caveolae and detergent-resistant membrane domains. As a general rule the GOOD cholesterols are good for…

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What Causes High Cholesterol

Many things can cause high cholesterol, including: Diet. Eating too much saturated fat and cholesterol can raise your cholesterol. Saturated fat and cholesterol are in foods that come from animals (such as beef, pork, veal, milk, eggs, butter, and cheese), many packaged foods, stick margarine, vegetable shortening, and snack foods like cookies, crackers, and chips.…

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